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The Three Spiritual and Health Benefits of ClovesThe Three Spiritual and Health Benefits of ClovesThe Three Spiritual and Health Benefits of ClovesThe Three Spiritual and Health Benefits of Cloves

Most people don’t know what cloves is, cloves are a very strong Spiritual seed that you can use in different ways to

yourself for a normal life and live out of the bondages of your enemies, protect yourself from so many ways especially getting attracting to bad energies or negativities to yourself, you can simply locate any Spiritual selling shop around your market just ask of cloves am sure you will get it or get a direction of how you can get it.

Cloves contain a lot of manganese, a mineral that helps your body manage the enzymes that help repair your bones and make hormones.

Manganese can also act as an antioxidant that protects your body from harmful free radicals (unstable atoms that cause cell damage).Some health benefits of cloves include:Lower inflammation.

Cloves contain many compounds known for their anti-inflammatory properties, with eugenol being the most important.

It’s been shown to reduce your body’s inflammatory response, which can lower your risk of health issues such as arthritis and help manage symptoms.Fewer free radicals. Cloves are full of antioxidants, including eugenol.

Antioxidants help your body fight free radicals, which damage your cells. By removing free radicals from your system, the antioxidants found in cloves can help lower your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.Here I will be talking about like 3 important ways you can use cloves for your own benefits, they are more you can use it for but I just want to talk on just 3 ways for now due to time.

When you are suspecting all your ways has been blocked nothing seems to be working out for you, you always get bad-luck in everything you do Get cloves according to the number of your age into times 4, e.g. 21,21,21,21, because you will use each 21 every day for 4 days, after getting it just add a little sea salt to it or ordinary salt add them to your bathing water and take your bath with it wash your self very well when u are done go and dispose the cloves on any road or dustbin, take the same bath for 4 days.

When you always want to get attracted to people, be loved by everyone anytime you go out, you always want to attract blessings, favors and money then make cloves your friend always anytime you are going out get cloves according to the spells of your name and put it in your pocket or hand bag then chew complete one seed of it before stepping out, when you do so you get attracted to many good things and people. not even evil eyes or evil forces can put their eyes in you again.

When you are someone who thinks that your partner is giving your negativities or bad-lucks anytime you make love to her or him, or u are someone who always had it with different types of men or women that always gives lots of negativities and bad energies, when the time comes for you to go and meet such person you will get cloves according to the how many spells of the person’s name get it times 2, e.g. 5 2 times that’s 10, then you will put 5 under the pillow put it inside of the pillow clothe then put the remaining under the bed or your hand bag. you can chew one seed before going or doing it, this will protect you from attracting any bad energies or negativities to yourself when you had it with your partner.

When you feel you are always having evil eyes around you and your home or you are always monitored by evil forces first always burn cloves around your home every morning or night, secondly boil see clove after boiling u will sprinkle the water around your home you can also sprinkle the water around your place of business if you have one to always keep evil eyes away, thirdly drop 4 cloves in each 4 corners of your home or room. you can do any of this to feel safe from the enemies.

Always be positive minded

Thank you all, live you all in peace and remain blessed.

We Rise by Lifting Others

Always looking up in serving Humanity.

N/B:Please don’t forget to share this post, you might not need it but of course there is someone who need this remedy as soon as possible when you share it or recommend it to your love one.


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